
Modern Monk

Living as a young monk in Copenhagen: Modern Monk (Full Documentary)

Gura Nitai, formerly known as Jakob, lives as a monk in Copenhagen. We documented his everyday life in the streets, at the temple, at his parents house – as he’s trying to deal with modern society.

Dokumentar om en ung munk i København. Vi ser ham på gaden, i templet, og hos hans forældre. Hvordan er det muligt at leve som cølibat-munk i et moderne samfund?


Copenhagen Maker

Copenhagen Maker

The festival celebrating DIY technology, crafts and design

Copenhagen Maker is a festival that celebrates the do-it-yourself culture in Copenhagen. We met some of the inventors to talk about home-built audio modules, 3d printers and all the event’s potential and possibilities


Vi går på opdagelse hos Copenhagen Maker, en ny festival der fejrer gør-det-selv og opfinder kulturen. Her møder vi nogle af de spændende mennesker, der deltager. Vi ser hjemmebyggede lyd-moduler, 3d printere, og får en snak om muligheder og potentialer.


game over

BIP BIP BAR: Retrogaming in the heart of Copenhagen

Two best friends opened an Arcade Bar in Copenhagen, giving life to a small retrogaming temple – a second home for competitive players and collectors. In this first episode of Documentality, we went to Bip Bip Bar to discuss with one of its customer about the community, the fascination and the rituals behind the retrogaming-culture.



DanskModular – About modular synthesizers

DanskModular is a unique Danish community of modular synthesizer enthusiasts. Every month, it runs the so called Modular Meetup in different locations of Copenhagen – giving life to a vibrant atmosphere of shared knowledge and collaboration. We interviewed three of the community’s core musicians to discuss the reasons why modular synthesizers can still be so fascinating. DanskModular official page: *** Documentality is a series of short documentaries dedicated to small communities in Copenhagen.***


Acid Bike ride


Oplev byen fra et nyt perspektiv, tag med på et syretrip af en cykeltur. Ved visning på computer, brug WASD tasterne til at navigere i videoen 360 visning virker ikke: se på youtube app på smartphone, skift til firefox internet browser på computer (english) Experience the city from a new perspective, come along on an acidtrip of a bike ride. When viewing on computer, use WASD buttons to navigate in video 360 mode is not working: watch from youtube app on smartphone, change browser to firefox on computer



GENERATOR -Reflektioner

I dette program reflekterer vi over værket GENERATOR. Vi gennemgår nogle af fortolkningerne bag de genererede scener og præsenterer programmets koncept og tilblivelse.